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You have just stored your bags in Zaragoza, specifically in our locker space in the center of the city, in the historic downtown, and you have several hours ahead of you until you come back for them. What to see in the surroundings? What to do in Zaragoza in just a few hours?

Thanks to the fantastic location of Megalockers, the options are many and very diverse. Below, we are going to review the 10 best places to visit in Zaragoza near our luggage storage in Zaragoza.

10 downtown places to visit after storing your bags in Zaragoza

Although there are plenty of alternatives for all tastes, these are some of the most interesting places in Zaragoza to visit in the city center, as well as their distance to Megalockers.

1. Visit the Plaza del Pilar and enter the Basilica

Walking distance from Megalockers: 260 meters (3 minutes)

We could not begin this list of the best things to see in Zaragoza more than with the most important hallmark of our city, the Plaza and Basilica del Pilar. In less than a breath, after your bag storage in Zaragoza, you will be in the middle of this impressive Plaza and you can enter a unique Basilica whose construction began in the seventeenth century and where you can see impressive pieces of art, bombs from the Civil War that did not explode, but, above all, our Virgen del Pilar, who presides over the place with her beautiful mantle that changes every day.

Oh, and don’t forget to get “la medida del Pilar”, the famous colorful ribbon that is one of the typical souvenirs of Zaragoza. It is sure to bring you luck.

2. Do not forget the Cathedral of La Seo (or Catedral del Salvador)

Walking distance from Megalockers: 500 meters (6 minutes)

Although it is sometimes overshadowed by being located right next to the Basilica del Pilar, this spectacular temple built even before the Basilica, and that combines Mudejar and Baroque art, is one of the most beautiful places in the city. Inside, altarpieces, tapestries and other works of art shine and captivate everyone who visits it. It is not for nothing that the SEO Cathedral has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site for years. A must visit for all those interested in art.

3. See the bridges of the Ebro river and walk along its banks

Walking distance from Megalockers: 650 meters (8 minutes)

Located just behind the Basilica del Pilar, the bridges of the Ebro (with the Stone Bridge at the head, whose construction dates back to 1401), are one of the most beautiful pictures of the city, from where you can take beautiful pictures of Zaragoza (if you are “influencer” or you usually post on social networks here you can win a handful of “likes”) and enjoy a green and captivating environment.

Also enjoy a quiet walk along the Ribera del Ebro, currently very well conditioned for this use, and if it’s a nice day, take the opportunity to sunbathe while watching what for many is the most beautiful area of the city.

4. Have a vermouth and some tapas in the “Tubo”

Walking distance from Megalockers: 600 meters (8 minutes)

Let’s change the subject. If what you feel like after storing your lugagge in Zaragoza is to have a good vermouth and enjoy delicious tapas, you can do it in the “Tubo”, the liveliest area of the city located in the historic center, where in every corner you can find small bars of all kinds in which to take your favorite tapas accompanied by a good wine, a beer or your favorite drink.

But don’t forget to watch the clock, because we can assure you that time flies by in the “Tubo”, and we don’t want you to miss the train! 😉

5. Visit the Roman Theater

Walking distance from Megalockers: 600 meters (8 minutes)

As you probably know, Zaragoza is one of the Spanish cities with a greater and better preserved Roman heritage. Well, the Roman Theater of Zaragoza, built in the first half of the first century, when the city was known as Caesaraugusta, is one of the jewels that have been preserved from that time, so if you have the opportunity, we recommend that you do not miss it. A place that will undoubtedly transport you to the time of the glorious Roman Empire.

6. See, hear, smell and feel the Central Market of Zaragoza

Walking distance from Megalockers: 220 meters (3 minutes)

Recently restored, the Central Market of Zaragoza (also known as Lanuza Market) dates from the late 19th century and is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city center. With stalls and food stores of many different types, don’t miss the opportunity to enter its aisles to see, hear, smell and feel all that this old market has to offer. Butchers, fishmongers, greengrocers, florists and many other small stores await your visit. Surely you will not be able to leave without trying some of their products.

7. Visit the Goya Museum

Walking distance from Megalockers: 230 meters (3 minutes)

In Zaragoza we have the honor of having enjoyed one of the most important painters of all times, Francisco de Goya. To be able to enjoy some of his works is a real luxury, from paintings and canvases of his beginnings, the time of his black paintings, his engravings… even if you are not an art lover, we have no doubt that these works will capture all your attention and you will love them. Therefore, visiting the Goya Museum in Zaragoza is a fantastic alternative to do in the city.

8. Shop in the stores of Plaza España and Paseo de la Independencia

Walking distance from Megalockers: 550 meters (7 minutes)

If what you most want to do after your luggage storage in Zaragoza is to go shopping, the best option is to take a walk through the Plaza de España and Paseo de la Independencia, where you will find clothing and fashion stores, technology, perfumery and many other businesses where you can make those quick purchases (or whims) that always make our souls happy. It is also a very lively area with many bars and restaurants where you can sit and relax and have a drink.

9. Discover the historic Puerta del Carmen

Walking distance from Megalockers: 970 meters (14 minutes)

If you want to see something unique, a place with great history that has survived the passage of time, we recommend that you go to the Puerta del Carmen. This ancient construction of 1789 is the only gate that remains of the twelve that came to have the defensive wall of the city of Zaragoza in the past. A place that served as a bastion of Aragonese resistance during the Sieges of Zaragoza during the War of Independence in 1808. A historical monument to understand a little better the past of Zaragoza.

10. Visit the Aljafería Palace

Walking distance from Megalockers: 1.600 meters (22 minutes)

Although it is somewhat further away than the previous options, it is certainly a place worth visiting. The Aljafería Palace (currently the official seat of the Cortes de Aragón), is a Muslim palace of the Hudi kings whose construction dates from the eleventh century. It is one of the most visited places in Zaragoza due to its exterior and interior beauty, with rooms and spaces full of details where the splendor of the rulers of that time is well reflected. If you have some more time in the city, a visit to the Aljafería Palace should be on your check-list.

We hope we have helped you to have a clearer idea of what to do after storing your luggage in our lockers in Zaragoza, located in the heart of the city. What is your favorite place?

Leave your bags at Megalockers and enjoy Zaragoza!